EasyChem Discrete Analyzer

EasyChem Discrete Analyzer

Making Analysis Easy
The way we perform analysis and operate our laboratories and businesses is changing. Initially, segmented flow analyzers (SFA) dominated the market. The market then changed to flow injection analysis (FIA), being the preferred technology. However, several problems exist with these technologies: lengthy start-up and shut-down times, carry-over, hydraulics noise, clogging valves, etc. SFA and FIA analyzers require much more attention and better skilled personnel to operate. Changing from one method to another can also be very labor intensive.

Today, the market is again changing; however, this time economic factors are at work. Corporate downsizing, lack of skilled laboratory technicians, and the demand for greater productivity with reduced labor costs, are pushing laboratories to find a solution.

The EasyChem discrete analyzer meets the demands of the changing marketplace, without compromising performance. EasyChem is a flexible instrument able to perform several different tests all on the same sample, without operator intervention. EasyChem requires no specific experience to operate, and can be learned by anyone in a matter of minutes. Operation consists of simply loading the sample tray, selecting the tests to be performed, and “clicking” start. It’s that simple! Labor costs are greatly reduced and productivity increased, by enabling the technician to perform other tasks.

EasyChem does all the work. No longer is there any variation in results based on who the operator is, or what kind of day they may be having. EasyChem performs up to 120 tests per hour of true unattended operation, with the highest possible data quality, regardless who “clicks” start.

EasyChem’s sleek design, ease of use, user friendly software, and price, makes it attractive to most laboratories that perform automated or manual wet chemistry.